5 Ways Agency Management Software Can Help Your Business

Nov 08, 2022

5 Ways Agency Management Software Can Help Your Business

Every marketing agency feels the pressure to do more than is possible in a single day. With a growing client list, you’re balancing completing projects and pieces in-house, or delegating them out to freelance writers. Between communicating with your own team, clients, freelancers, and other people, it’s easy to become disorganized, or simply resort to doing the bare minimum every day to get by.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the challenges that come with the operational whirlwind of running an agency, such as resource management and project accounting, keep up with them by using agency management software. Modern tools with business intelligence, project management, and team collaboration capabilities simplify communication and surface data to keep you abreast of potential issues before they become real problems. 

If you want to ensure you and your teams have the time to take a full hour for your lunch break every day, here are five ways agency management software can help your business.

1. Organize To Optimize Your Time

Time is a scarce resource that you cannot buy. To optimize the time that you do have, you will need to speed up tasks and plan out resources accordingly. Optimized resource scheduling helps your agency understand accurate time estimates for each project and effectively take action. 

When you input all of your due dates into agency management software, you can see the whole process in one place. Look at previous projects to understand if you budgeted for time accordingly. See which one of your employees completed tasks before they were due, and assign them more work in the future. 

2. Workflow Solutions That Meet Your Needs

Identifying process bottlenecks is critical to creating streamlined workflows. These issues easily go unnoticed unless your agency diligently tracks each step of the workflow. Utilize your agency management software to track projects and analyze your throughput (how fast a project moves through each stage until completion). 

Understanding bottlenecks helps you improve the number of tasks on which a team works in a given period. Once you understand how many tasks your team can truly take on, you can create workflows that are healthy for them. If you find yourself with more tasks than people, then you’ll need to hire some more employees, or outsource to freelancers to ensure projects are finished on time.

3. Surface More Accurate Data to Help Your Agency Grow

To create actionable changes to grow your agency, you need business intelligence tools in your agency management software that simplify data for you. With these tools, you can learn how to:

  • Analyze resource trends to create actionable goals
  • Secure resource recommendations customized for your agency
  • Use data to make informed decisions with evidence for clients or higher-level execs

Plus, it keeps all your data in one easy-to-find location. Customized reports can be sent to your email automatically so you can check trends without having to remember to log in to a solution.

4. Deliver Faster Outcomes to Clients

The best way to work faster for clients is to automate. Agency management software offers critical automated features to speed up both simple and complicated tasks in your workday. View patterns and insights on past projects to understand how to complete similar projects faster in the future. Robust time tracking software in your agency management software details how much time each task takes. See which ones are eating up all your time so you can make a plan to improve them.

Create templates and workflows for different types of projects at your agency, and use these to streamline the hand-offs between teams and departments. When that type of project arises, you can use the workflow template to create the needed tasks automatically. All you have to do is assign the tasks to team members.

5. Manage Your Workload More Efficiently

Workload management is key in making your agency more productive and efficient. Utilize agency management software to allocate time for specific tasks. Use time entries and check to see what’s causing any hold-ups.

Since everyone can see what they need for a project in a project dashboard, you won’t need to hold as many meetings. Meetings suck up time in your work day and aren’t necessary to keep everyone on the same page if the pertinent information is in your agency management software.

Instead of asking your employees to do too much, give them the tasks they have time to complete. Project management software helps you understand what each person is capable of and when you need more resources to finish a project.

Find the Agency Management Software Your Firm Needs in the Kantata Professional Services Cloud

Kantata knows that every business works a little bit differently. That’s why the Kantata Cloud provides multiple proven paths to success across multiple platforms. To learn how to curate the out-of-the-box capabilities needed specifically for your agency, schedule a demo today.

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